How to Beat Constipation with Superfoods

Why Are So Many People Struggling with Constipation?

It’s alarming to realize that 4 million Americans are wading through the unpleasant issue of constipation. A diet rich in meat and processed foods but poor in fiber is the main villain behind this widespread issue. On average, Americans consume just half of the recommended 30 grams of fiber daily, making bowel movements less frequent and a lot harder.

🎉 Fun Fact: The world’s longest poop reportedly measured 26 feet, achieved through a special diet designed to avoid natural breaks in the stool. We certainly don’t advocate for that, but it’s an interesting tidbit!

🎉 Another Fun Fact: Constipation can sometimes be psychological. Stress and travel can alter your bowel habits, making you more prone to constipation.

What Was Our Digestive System Designed For?

Biologically, our digestive system was constructed to process a diet abundant in plant-based foods teeming with dietary fiber. Think beans, leafy greens, fresh and dried fruits, veggies, and whole grains. Consuming foods high in fiber helps both the frequency and quantity of bowel movements, reduces the transit time of stools, and minimizes the absorption of toxins.

🎉 Fun Fact: Fiber is a carbohydrate that your body can’t digest. Although it passes through your system without getting digested, it performs a lot of vital functions along the way.

🎉 Another Fun Fact: Some high-fiber foods are also prebiotics, which promote healthy gut bacteria. Foods like leeks, onions, and garlic are excellent for your microbiome.

How Much Water Should You Drink Daily?

Hydration is key when it comes to digestion. You should aim to drink at least eight to twelve 8-oz. glasses of water daily. Hard, dry stools are a classic indicator of dehydration, which is why drinking water is crucial. A useful habit is to have a glass of water as soon as you wake up and continue to sip throughout the day.

🎉 Fun Fact: Ever heard of “water intoxication”? While hydration is essential, too much water in a short time can lead to water intoxication or water poisoning. So, balance is key.

🎉 Another Fun Fact: Many fruits and vegetables like cucumbers, oranges, and watermelon are excellent sources of water, adding a nutritious hydration source to your diet.

Can Wheat or Barley Grass Help?

You bet! Incorporating two to three teaspoons of dehydrated wheat and/or barley grass into water can give your digestive system the boost it needs. Consuming another serving later in the day compounds the benefits. These nutrient-packed green drinks have a rejuvenating effect on your intestinal tract and are perfect for alleviating constipation.

🎉 Fun Fact: Wheatgrass is so nutrient-dense that 1 ounce is nutritionally equivalent to over 2 pounds of leafy green vegetables!

🎉 Another Fun Fact: Chlorophyll, found in green plants like barley grass, is structurally similar to hemoglobin, which transports oxygen in our blood. This is why it’s often touted as a “blood builder.”

What About Bran and Prunes?

Bran and prunes are the superstars of a high-fiber diet. Consuming whole prunes or prune juice as a natural laxative is incredibly effective. An 8-ounce serving typically gets things moving. A similar amount of aloe vera juice can also work wonders.

🎉 Fun Fact: Prunes contain sorbitol, a sugar alcohol that acts as a natural laxative.

🎉 Another Fun Fact: Aloe vera is not just good for your skin; it’s great for your gut too! Aloe contains compounds like aloin, which are known to have laxative effects.

Can Vitamin C-Rich Foods Make a Difference?

Absolutely! Foods high in vitamin C not only boost your immune system but also enhance nutrient absorption, making your digestive system more efficient. Excellent sources of vitamin C are parsley, broccoli, bell peppers, strawberries, oranges, lemon juice, papaya, cauliflower, kale, mustard greens, and Brussels sprouts.

🎉 Fun Fact: Humans are among the few animals that can’t synthesize their own vitamin C, which is why we have to get it from our diet.

🎉 Another Fun Fact: The world’s largest producer of Vitamin C is China, covering about 95% of the world market.

Tailor Your Diet for Better Digestive Health

So, if you’re among the millions grappling with constipation, don’t lose hope. Nature provides an array of superfoods that can help kickstart your digestive system and make constipation a thing of the past. Combining a balanced diet rich in fiber and hydrating sufficiently can make a world of difference.

🎉 Fun Fact: Your digestive system can ‘taste.’ That’s right! Receptors in your digestive tract can sense nutrients, allowing your body to absorb them better.

🎉 Another Fun Fact: The gut is often called the “second brain” because it contains some 100 million neurons, more than in either the spinal cord or peripheral nerves.

A little awareness and a shift in dietary habits can go a long way in alleviating constipation and improving your overall well-being. Nature has provided an arsenal of foods designed to keep you moving in all the right ways!